Al-Quran adalah hidayah, rahmat, syifa, nur, furqan dan pemberi penjelasan bagi manusia.. Segala isi kandungan al-Quran itu benar. Al-Quran juga dikenali sebagai Al-Nur bererti cahaya yang menerangi, al-Furqan bererti yang dapat membezakan di antara yang hak dan batil dan al-Zikr pula bermaksud yang memberi peringatan.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
”Apabila dikumandangkan azan untuk solat, syaitan lari terkentut-kentut sehingga tidak terdengar olehnya azan. Apabila muazzin berhenti, ia pun kembali. Begitu pula apabila qamat dibacakan, dia pun lari. Dan apabila iqamat telah selesai, dia datang kembali. Dia sentiasa menggoda orang yang sedang solat, dengan berkata kepadanya:”Ingatlah apa yang belum kamu ingat!” Sehingga akhirnya orang itu tidak tahu lagi berapa rakaat dia telah solat.”

Allah dalam Al Quran

"Tidakkah kamu (manusia) melihat bagaimana Allah menghapuskan kaum terdahulu sebelum kamu, sedangkan mereka (kaum terdahulu) dari tamadun yang hebat, membina bangunan dari tembok-tembok kukuh..."

"Apabila manusia terlalu banyak melakukan kerosakan dimuka bumi ini, Allah akan perintahkan bumi bergoncang, gunung memuntahkan isinya, langit menurunkan hujan, sehingga mereka (manusia) menjadi hancur-sehancurnya... Dan Allah akan menggantikan mereka dengan umat yang baru..."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bloggers Unite Dapat Sokongan Amnesty International

Aku menerima email dari Blogcatalog yang memberitahu bahawa Amnesty International akan bersama serta memberi sokongan dalam Bloggers Unite for Human Rights 2008 yang akan diadakan pada 15 Mei 2008.

Dear BlogCatalog Members,

We have great news! All eyes will be on Bloggers Unite For Human Rights this May 15th because Amnesty International, a worldwide movement that campaigns for internationally recognized human rights, will be joining, supporting, and drawing attention to participating bloggers — and that could mean you!

In addition to promoting the campaign to its hundreds of thousands of members, Amnesty International is providing BlogCatalog source material for bloggers. Topics range from the wrongful imprisonment of journalist Shi Tao in China to the continuing murder, rape, abduction, and displacement of people in Darfur, Sudan.

You can find some of these resources on our new Amnesty International resource section at http://unite.blogcatalog.com#amnesty. Of course, you can write about any human rights topic you want. Some BlogCatalog members may even write about topics that have yet to gain international attention.

You might also be interested to know that Larry Cox, executive director of Amnesty International USA has some great things to say about our campaign.

"Amnesty International is thrilled to be a part of Bloggers Unite for Human Rights," he said. "Bloggers Unite for Human Rights is a great way to harness the power of the Internet to fight injustice and make the world a better place."

There are any great human rights organizations all over the world, but if you would like to know something about our Amnesty International, please visit http://www.amnestyusa.org for more information. Currently, Amnesty International is working to stop the abuse of internationally recognized human rights in over 150 countries and territories. The organization won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1961.

Thanks so much for your continued support! More and more people are taking notice of your efforts. On behalf of the entire BlogCatalog team, thank you and we look forward to reading your posts on May 15!

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