Al-Quran adalah hidayah, rahmat, syifa, nur, furqan dan pemberi penjelasan bagi manusia.. Segala isi kandungan al-Quran itu benar. Al-Quran juga dikenali sebagai Al-Nur bererti cahaya yang menerangi, al-Furqan bererti yang dapat membezakan di antara yang hak dan batil dan al-Zikr pula bermaksud yang memberi peringatan.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a katanya Nabi s.a.w bersabda:
”Apabila dikumandangkan azan untuk solat, syaitan lari terkentut-kentut sehingga tidak terdengar olehnya azan. Apabila muazzin berhenti, ia pun kembali. Begitu pula apabila qamat dibacakan, dia pun lari. Dan apabila iqamat telah selesai, dia datang kembali. Dia sentiasa menggoda orang yang sedang solat, dengan berkata kepadanya:”Ingatlah apa yang belum kamu ingat!” Sehingga akhirnya orang itu tidak tahu lagi berapa rakaat dia telah solat.”

Allah dalam Al Quran

"Tidakkah kamu (manusia) melihat bagaimana Allah menghapuskan kaum terdahulu sebelum kamu, sedangkan mereka (kaum terdahulu) dari tamadun yang hebat, membina bangunan dari tembok-tembok kukuh..."

"Apabila manusia terlalu banyak melakukan kerosakan dimuka bumi ini, Allah akan perintahkan bumi bergoncang, gunung memuntahkan isinya, langit menurunkan hujan, sehingga mereka (manusia) menjadi hancur-sehancurnya... Dan Allah akan menggantikan mereka dengan umat yang baru..."

Saturday, January 05, 2013

KLIA2 To Open In June 2013

This posting is not my experience but just to share some information to would be traveler on air transportation.

KLIA2 will start operating in 2013 and will be occupied by Low Cost Carrier and this means a shorter and easier access for the public to access the airport instead of the present LCCT.

Distance will be cut by about 20 kilometres and thus shorter time to reach the airport. There will be more options for connecting transportation because the KLIA Express will be available.

As published by Malaysian Insider

KLIA2 to open on June 28

SEPANG Jan 5 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today announced that the new low-cost airport here dubbed KLIA2 will be launched on June 28 coinciding with the launch date of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA in 1998 The premier said the airport was scheduled to be ready by May but the operations would not be rushed as there were some teething issues to be solved before its opening “We should go through some of the teething problems with the new terminal and once it is ready then KLIA2 will be fully operational “As a target I have decided that it should coincide with the date of the opening of KLIA Hopefully I will have the opportunity to open KLIA2 on June 28 ” he said Najib said this at the launching of a specially designed 1 Malaysia AirAsia aircraft livery to commemorate the start of the 1 Malaysia Integration Programme with AirAsia at the LCCT Low-Cost Carrier Terminal here Also present were Minister of Youth and Sports Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek AirAsia group chief executive officer Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd MAHB managing director Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad Bashir said MAHB welcomed the prime minister’s decision not to rush the opening of the KLIA2 and to coincide it with the opening date of KLIA He said all issues pertaining to the new airport were expected to be settled before the opening date to avoid even minor glitches during operations “We do not want to rush I think the prime minister has the same thought in mind We have seen many airports worldwide failed because they were rushed into operations “It is something exciting also if the date coincides KLIA and KLIA2 as it will be a double celebration for us at MAHB ” Bashir said The RM3 6 billion KLIA2 built to cater for the explosive growth expected in low-cost travel is sprawled over 257 000 sq metres and is envisaged to handle a maximum of 45 million passengers a year The airport will have 60 gates eight remote stands 80 aerobridges plus a retail space covering 32 000 sq metres to accommodate 225 retail outlets — Bernama.

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